The Lunar Brothers
Psycho 2018#Music/lyrisc by S.Voronov and Yury Novgorodsky #Arranged
Psycho 2018#Music/lyrisc by S.Voronov and Yury
Novgorodsky #Arranged by The Lunar Brothers
#Recorded/Mixed by I.Mazaev and S.Voronov
#Mastered by Tim Young Man #Video Petr Voronov
#Video edit - S.Voronov
Hits: 2161
Vladilen Razgulin
Voronofff - We Were Meant To Be. Director - Vladilen Razgulin
Voronofff - We Were Meant To Be. Director -
Vladilen Razgulin Director of photography - Peter
Bratersky Starring: Sergey Voronov and Daria
Lovat Special thanks: Paul McLay, Andrey Deineko,
Ivan Otchik, Elena Lishinkraya Fall 2011.
Hits: 2565